We provide universal and customized hardware and software solutions that power the next-generation of software-defined vehicles to exceed the demands of today’s driver-centric market. The world’s most innovative automotive manufacturers and Tier 1 suppliers partner with GuardKnox to create software-defined, connected, secure-by-design, and autonomous vehicles built on new E/E architecture fundamentals:
The Secure SOA Framework software middleware abstracts all vehicle and cloud, applications (SW services) and OS from the underlying vehicle hardware. In our Secure SOA Framework, service consumers communicate with service providers without needing to pre-define the locations and interfaces of the device or software components implementing the services. This enables modeling, development, and testing of new software features, updates, or patches independent of hardware, accelerating time to market.
The Secure SOA Framework supports multiple parallel OS, like Linux, Android, AUTOSAR, and more through separate partitions (nodes) by using a hypervisor to share a common hardware platform.
It builds mixed-criticality environments where every automotive application is provided with the performance and security characteristics required.
Centralized E/E Architectures create latency as messages need to pass through domain or zonal gateways and HPCs to reach their final destination. GuardKnox’s CommEngineTM enables high-performance, and cost-effective data routing. It is available as a highly integrated IP Core, on FPGA or ASIC.
Its secure-by-design routing-technology allows deterministic ultra-low latency with multi-gigabit bandwidth for seamless communication among all ECUs in a vehicle. It is built to meet real-time requirements of automotive applications and supports all legacy and Automotive Ethernet interfaces.
Communication security inside the vehicle and to its environment is paramount to driving safety. The Communication Security Core is a set of software components and ECU hardware designs that are secure by design. They are built to protect the safety and security of the vehicle without compromising on the flexibility crucial to SDVs.
Implementations based on the communication security core can be certified according to ISO 26262 up to ASIL D and ISO 21434, providing in-vehicle communication security required for regulations such as UNECE R155.
The aftermarket add-on is a connectivity domain controller that serves as a gateway to external communication by wireless and wired interfaces. External connectivity allows for OTA updates, smartphone applications, in-vehicle entertainment, smart city services, OEM app store, etc.