The fascinating automotive adventure has entered a new era with the introduction of electronics and digitization. Connected and future vehicles call for a specific security...
GuardKnox enables auto insurers to offer premium incentives to policyholders that install its products to protect fleet management systems from ransomware and other...
GuardKnox, the world-leading automotive cyber security company, announcedsthe completion of its $21 Million Series A round of funding, led by Fraser McCombs Capital and Faurecia,...
Faurecia, one of the world’s leading automotive technology companies today announced an investment in GuardKnox to reinforce passenger safety and data security in the connected...
Cybersecurity companies GuardKnox Cyber Technologies and Palo Alto Networks have partnered to provide end-to-end automotive cybersecurity solutions.
GuardKnox is proud to have been shortlisted in three categories of the 2019 TU Automotive Awards details the latest GuardKnox developments including our Palo Alto Networks partnership, SOA, EV charging and more.
Die Autoindustrie versucht, ihren Kunden vernetzte Autos schmackhaft zu machen. Tatsächlich aber kann noch kein Autobauer Hacker wirklich gut abwehren.
Read about how GuardKnox transitioned from securing fighter jets to securing connected vehicles
Read about GuardKnox's patented Communication Lockdown Programmable Logic Solutions Improving Automotive Cybersecurity.